Honesty is the base of people, promotes economic development; Market is the credit economy, requires everyone strictly abide by the principle of honesty.
Keep in mind the faith , put it into practice; Obey your mind, and work hard to accomplish your dreams; Stick to your principles, your business will be keep rapid development.
At thirty,you experienced highs and lows in your career; Many thanks to partners for helping me open a way to success; The quality liquor needs guard the spirit of craftsmen,and respect the industry self-discipline.
We should learn to adapt to the change of the times; If you work harder and keep honesty, you are going to be better ; Sincerely hope that the [ZuiXianGui] can help your career take off a hand! 人无信不立,商无信不兴; 天下熙攘,利来利往,然君子爱财,取之有道。
诚信始于心, 商道践于行; 坚守初心,积硅步,经磨砺,不忘创业初心; 诚而有信,坦诚以待,不吝相助,方得左右逢源。
三十而立,半生商旅; 感谢所有结伴同行,承蒙关照,一路事业有成; 商道犹酒艺,需秉诚心,遵技艺,克己守律,方得佳酿。
顺应时代,拥抱变革,思行合一而致远千里; 内诚于心,外信于人,诚信相伴而事业通途; 【醉仙归】敬坚守事业的男人,与您并肩开拓疆域,以信立业! |